2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual

Chapman, Charles  F. and Maloney, E.S.  Chapman’s
Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling. (illus.).
62 p. (ISBN 0-87851-814-2, Pub. by Hearst Bks.); de-
luxe ed. (ISBN 0-87851-815-0). Morrow.
Always be sure to raise and secure the an-
chor prior to operating your boat. Failure to
raise and secure anchor before getting under-
way could result in severe injury or damage to
boat from rebounding anchor.
National Fire  Protection Association.  Fire Protection
Standard for  Pleasure and  Commercial Motor  Craft.
(ISBN 0-317-07388-5, NFPA302). National Fire Protec-
tion Association.
Always utilize the chain stop provided with the
windlass/bowrollercombination.  Thechainstop
prevents the anchor from accidently releasing
while the boat is moving thus preventing dam-
age to the boat  or possible injury or death  to
individual(s) aboard the boat.
Brotherton, Miner. Twelve- Volt Bible. (ISBN 0-915160-
81-1). Seven Seas.
C - 4
There are many good boating publications that have in-
If the anchor becomes stuck, attach the vertical line to    formation about your area and what other boats are do-
the mooring cleat. Wave action on the bow may lift flukes ing, such as clubs and other activities. Education pro-
from the bottom and free the anchor. If the anchor is still  grams are sponsored by publications and organizations
stuck, feed out a few feet of line and attach it to the bow  such as the U.S. Power Squadron, U.S. Coast Guard
cleat. Maneuver the boat around the anchor,  keeping     Auxiliary and theAmerican Red Cross. See your dealer
the line firm. Determine the angle that will work to pull     about special courses  available in the area.   For de-
the anchor free.
tailed information contact:
Anchors are  available in different  shapes, sizes  and     American Red Cross
weights to fit different boats, uses, and conditions. Your   Local address (see local telephone directory)
Four Winns dealer can tell you which anchor will work
best for your boat.
Boat U.S. Foundation for Boating Safety Hotline
(in Virginia)
U.S. Coast Guard Info Line
We recommend that you read the boating literature pub-
lished by your state boating agency and the U.S. Coast
Guard. Other suggested reading includes the following:
NMMA Sources of  Waterways Information - National
Marine ManufacturersAssociation has five (5) booklets
which list sources for safety, cruising, and local water-
way information.  Each covers a different region of the
U.S. (North Central, South Central, Northeastern, South-
eastern and Western). For single copies, write Sources
of Waterways information, NMMA, 401 N. MichiganAv-
enue, Chicago, Illinois 60611.  Ask for  the booklet for
your region.
Damford,Don.  Anchoring.(ISBN0-915160-64-1).Seven
United States Coast GuardAuxiliary. Boating Skills and
Seamanship. LC74-164688.(illus.). (ISBN 0-930028-00-
U.S. Coast Guard.
Bottomley, Tom. Boatman’s Handbook, (illus.). 316 p.
(ISBN 0-688-03925-1, Hearst Marine Book). Morrow.
Skippers Course
GPO Superintendent of Documents
Washington, DC 20012
Whiting, John and Bottomley,Tom. Chapman’s Log and
Owner’s Manual. 192 p.(ISBN 0-686-96737-2). Hearst
Marine Book.
United States Coast GuardAuxiliary
Local Flotilla or contact appropriate Coast Guard
District Headquarters
Vista™ Owner’s  Manual
Section C
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CategoriesFour Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals
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Model Year2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
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- 348 pages
Document TypeOwner's Manual
Product BrandBoats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's PageOutboard Marine Corporation
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
Michael on Feb 03, 2014.

i like this boat

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

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