2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual

CAPSIZE - To turn over.
DEAD RECKONING -Aplot of courses steered and dis-
tances traveled through the water.
CAPSTAN - A machine that moves a cylindrical device
on a shaft for the purpose of hauling up an anchor.
DECK -Apermanent covering over a compartment, hull
or any part thereof.
CAST OFF - To let go.
DINGHY - A  small, open boat  used for ship  to shore
CATAMARAN - A twin-hulled boat, with the hulls being
DISPLACEMENT - The weight  of water dislocated by
CHINE - The intersection of a boat’s bottom and side. If   the hull of a vessel.
this intersection is  rounded, it is  a “soft” chine.   If the
intersection is squared off, it is a “hard” chine.
DISPLACEMENT HULL - A hull that “displaces” a vol-
ume of  water equal to  the weight of  the boat.   A hull
CHOCK - 1. A fitting or hole in a railing or deck through   designed  to run in the water  rather than on top of  the
which a mooring or anchor  line is routed.  2. A wedge     water.   When a  displacement hull moves through  the
used to secure an item in place.
water, it pushes  that water out of  the way.  Water will
CIRCUITBREAKER -Adevice  used to interrupt an elec-
trical circuit when current flow exceeds a predetermined
DOCUMENTED VESSEL -  Documented yachts have
been specially registered with the U.S. Coast Guard. All
CLEAT - A double-ended deck fitting to which lines are    documented  yachts must have  their name and  home
secured; usually anvil-shaped.
(hailing) port marked on some conspicuous place on the
hull.  Numbering  is not required.   Advantages include
COAMINGS - Raised  lips around cockpits or  hatches     legal authority to fly the yacht ensign, privilege of record-
used to keep water from entering
ing bills of sale, and other instruments of title with  fed-
eral officials, and preferred status for mortgages. Docu-
COCKPIT - An exposed deck area (usually  aft) that is     mentation does not exempt  the unit from any State or
substantially lower than the adjacent deck.
Federal taxes. All safety and equipment regulations still
COMBER - A wave on the point of breaking.  A comber
has a thin line of white water on its crest, known as “feath-     DOLPHIN - A group of piles driven close together and
bound with wire cables into a single structure.
COMPANIONWAY - The steps or ladder leading down-    DRAFT - 1. The depth of a boat from  the actual water
ward from a deck.
line to the bottom of the lowest part of the boat (e.g., the
propeller tip or rudder). 2.The depth of water necessary
to float a boat.
COMPARTMENTS - Rooms divided by bulkheads.
COUNTER - The overhang at the stern of a boat.
DROGUE -  Any device  streamed astern  to check  a
vessel’s speed, or to keep its stern up to the waves in a
CRADLE - A framework, generally made of wood, used   following sea.
to support a boat when it is out of the water.
DYE MARKER -Abrightly colored chemical that spreads
CREST - The top of a wave, breaker or swell.
CUDDY - A small sheltered cabin in a boat.
when released into water; normally used to attract atten-
EBB TIDE - A receding tide.
CURRENT -1. The movement of water,  2. The flow of
electrical charge.
EVEN KEEL - To be floating evenly without listing to ei-
ther side.
DEAD AHEAD - Directly in front of the boat.
Vista™ Owner’s  Manual
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CategoriesFour Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals
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Model Year2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
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- 348 pages
Document TypeOwner's Manual
Product BrandBoats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's PageOutboard Marine Corporation
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
Michael on Feb 03, 2014.

i like this boat

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

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