The United States Power Squadron also offers free D. Laws and Regulations
courses ranging from basic seamanship to celestial navi-
gation. For information, contact your local Power Squad- The U.S. Coast Guard is the authority of the waterways;
ron, or write: U.S.P.S., P.O. Box 30423, Raleigh, NC they are there to help the boating public. State boating
regulations are enforced by local authorities. You are
subject to marine traffic laws and “Rules of the Road” for
The Red Cross offers power boating and canoeing both federal and state waterways; you must stop if sig-
classes. Contact: Director of Water Safety, American naled to do so by enforcement officers, and permit to be
National Red Cross, 17th & D Streets N.W., Washing- boarded if asked.
ton, DC 20006.
There are many pamphlets, prepared by the Coast
The Canadian Power and Sail Squadron offers seaman- Guard, available to you. These pamphlets explain “Rules
ship courses. Information can be obtained by calling
of the Road,” signal lights, buoys, safety, international
and inland regulations and other information which goes
beyond the scope of this manual. For more information
Guard Boating Safety Hotline at 1-800-368-5647.
(Canada only).
B. Boating Manuals and Literature
A good source of information is the U.S. Coast Guard’s
home study book called “The Skipper’s Course”. This
book may be purchased through: Superintendent of A - 12 BOAT OWNER REGISTRATION
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing-
ton, DC 20402, Stock # 050-012-00159-6.
Federal and state laws require that every boat equipped
with propulsion machinery of any type must be regis-
AnothergoodsourceofboatinginformationisChapman’s tered in the primary state of usage. Registration num-
“Piloting, Seamanship and Small Boat Handling”. Also, bers and validation stickers must be displayed on the
check the local library or bookstore for additional infor- boat according to regulations. In most states, this means
mation on boating.
registration with the designated state agency. In a few
jurisdictions, the Coast Guard retains registration author-
ity. Your dealer will either supply registration forms or
tell you where they may be obtained. The registration
C. Charts and Maps
U.S. nautical charts are sold throughout the country at agency will issue you a certificate that must be carried
Governmental Printing Office stores and other agents. on board when the boat is in use. Some states require
A chart catalog is available by writing to: National Oce- additional registration when an out of state boat is used
anic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean within their boundaries.
Survey, Rockville, MD 20852.
Your boat has a hull identification number on the star-
In addition, many federal agencies publish recreational board side of the hull. Figure A2 shows a typical identifi-
maps, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the cationnumber. Usethishullidentificationnumberforreg-
Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Ten- istration and to identify your boat for warranty service.
nessee Valley Authority.
Addresses of all state boating agencies are listed in “A
Boater’s Guide”. For a free copy, write to: National Ma-
Chicago, IL 60611.
Vista™ Owner’s Manual
Section A
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Categories | Four Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals |
Tags | Four Winns Vista 248, Four Winns Vista 268, Four Winns Vista 288, Four Winns Vista 298, Four Winns Vista 328, Four Winns Vista 348 |
Model Year | 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 |
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Document Type | Owner's Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Boats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx |
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Publisher | fourwinns.com |
Wikipedia's Page | Outboard Marine Corporation |
Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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