2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual

Apply wax  once or twice  a year  to maintain gel  coat     Blistering refers to a condition in which the unprotected
lustre.  Read the label before using any product. Make     gel coat surface below the waterline has absorbed water
sure product is formulated for gel coat surfaces. Also,     andformedbubbles.   SeeSectionP-5foradditionalinfor-
consult a Four Winns dealer for their recommendations.
Follow the instructions below for boats that have weath-
ered and chalked.
Do not use carnuba based waxes. This type of
wax yellows over time and makes the fiberglass
appear yellow.
1.   Wash.
Wax.  If this does not work, then use a fine rubbing
compound. If this does not work use 400 or 600 wet
and wax.
Waxing decks, cockpit floors  or other walking
areas is not  recommended.  Waxing  will pro-
duce a very slippery surface,  especially when
wet. Wax may also buildup in the skid-resistant
surfaces. Be sure all persons wear deck shoes
while aboard the boat. Footing will be improved
and feet will be protected from accidental cuts
and bruises.
When using wax or fine rubbing compounds, make sure
to read the label and follow the directions. Some helpful
tips are listed below.
Avoid working in direct sunlight.  This dries out the
wax or compound, and can stain the surface.
A darkening or discoloration of the skid-resistant surfac-
escansometimesoccurasaresultofwaxbuildup.      Expo-
sure to the sun and elements can turn the wax darker, or
occasionally can cause it to become flaky or  powdery.
To remove, use fine rubbing compound and a low rpm
buffer (1200 to 2000rpm). Apply light pressure and keep
the buffer moving at all times to prevent heat build- up.
Read the directions before using any equipment.
Use clean pads or cloths to apply a thin coating of
wax or rubbing compound to a small area such as
three feet by three feet.  Remove any excess, and
then rub the area with a buffing pad, or power buffer.
Apply pressure only as necessary to restore the sur-
face finish. Applying too much pressure or buffing in
B.   Weathering Effects on Gel Coat
Afterapplyingcompound,  alwaysfollowwithwaxing.
anddust.  Someofthetermsbelowdescribethechanges
that can occur to the gel coat surface.
light pressure. Keep the pad wet and the buffer
moving at all times to prevent heat buildup.
Chalking is a result of the gel  coat’s top surface being
broken down into an extremely fine powder. When this
happens, the color whitens. The chalk is present on the
surface only.
To preventgouges,unevenareas,orotherdam-
agefrom occurring, DONOTuseapowerorbelt
sander when sanding.  For best results, block
sand the gel coat.
Fadingistheuniformchangeincolor.    Thishappenswhen
the actual pigments have changed color, especially from
excessive chalking, or when the gel coat has either been
stained or bleached by something.
C.   Stains
Yellowing is gel coat which has a yellow cast and strea-
king usually deals with  a stain or contact with another
Stains can appear anywhere on the exterior of the boat
and may be a result of contact with tar, plant sap, leaves,
rust from  metal fittings, and  other materials.   Surface
stains may be removed with hand  dish washing soap,
mild cleansers, or some household detergents. DO NOT
use chlorine or ammonia products. These products can
affect the color of gel coat. Commercial car washes use
strong cleaners and should be avoided.
Gloss refers to the shine of the surface. This can change
from sanding action, chalk, residues, or exposure.
Vista™ Owner’s  Manual
Section P
Product Specification
CategoriesFour Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals
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Model Year2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
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- 348 pages
Document TypeOwner's Manual
Product BrandBoats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's PageOutboard Marine Corporation
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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2004-2008 Four Winns Vista 248 268 288 288 298 328 348 Boat Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
Michael on Feb 03, 2014.

i like this boat

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

jorge on Oct 22, 2012.

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