1994-2000 Four Winns Vista 238 258 278 Boat Service Owners Manual

signed as mooring cleats for securing the boat to a dock,
pier, etc.  DO NOT  use these fittings for towing or at-
tempting to free a grounded vessel.
When shifting a stern drive powered boat, move
the control lever BRISKLY.  Slow gear engage-
ment can damage the shifting mechanism in the
drive unit. Refer to your engine manual for addi-
tional information.
Freeing a grounded vessel or towing a boat that is dis-
abled requires specialized equipment and knowledge.
Line failure and structural damage caused by improper
towing have resulted in fatal injuries.  Because of this,
Four Winns strongly suggests that  these activities be
left to those who have  the equipment and knowledge
such as the U.S. Coast Guard, to safely accomplish the
towing task.
to FORWARD; always PAUSE at NEUTRAL and al-
low the engine speed to return to idle. When shifting,
a momentary decrease in RPM may be noticed. This
is the engine’s electronic shift assist system reduc-
ing engine idle speed to allow smooth gear shifting.
After shifting is completed, continue to move the con-
trol lever slowly in the desired direction to increase
a boat and associated underwater gear. If the
boat should become grounded, distribute per-
sonal flotation devices and inspect the boat for
possible damage. Thoroughly inspect the bilge
area for signs of leakage. An experienced ser-
vice facility should  check the hull and  under-
watergearatthefirstopportunity.    DONOTcon-
tinue to use the boat if the condition of the hull
or underwater equipment is questionable.
Always return the throttle  lever to the extreme
lowspeedpositionbeforeshifting.   Nevershiftthe
unit while engine speed is above 1000 rpm’s.
ter gear when moving in reverse. Use caution and do not
exceed 2500 RPM when moving in reverse.
If towing or being towed is absolutely necessary, use the
strongest lines available, and  attach them to the bow
eyes or stern eyes only. Have all passengers slip on life
jackets and take a seat in the cabin or other protected
Sudden binding or an increase in shift effort at the control
lever indicates a possible problem in the shift system.  If
this condition occurs, have the system checked by your
Four Winnsdealer. Continuedoperationcouldcausedam-
age to the shift mechanism.
Refer to the engine manufacturers manuals for additional
Lines can snap or other hardware can be loos-
enedorbrokenwhiletowing.   Undercertaincon-
ditions, this can cause severe injury or fatality.
A.   BoatingCourses
If the boat should become disabled, or if assist-
ing another craft that is disabled, great care must
be taken.  The  stress applied to a boat  during
towingmaybecomeexcessive.   Excessivestress
can damage the structure of the boat and create
a safety hazard for those aboard.
Boating education classes are offered throughout
the country.  The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
offers free courses on different topics usually during the
off-season.  The  most popular course is the “Boating
Skills & Seamanship Course,” and information can be
obtained by calling 1-800-336-BOAT.
Four Winns Boats are not designed nor intended to  be
used  as  a towing   vessel.   The  mooring   cleats  on
Four Winnsboatsarenotdesignedorintendedtobeused
for towing purposes.   These cleats are specifically  de-
Vista Owners  Manual
Section Q
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Product Specification
CategoriesFour Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals
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Model Year1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
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- 128 pages
Document TypeOwner's Manual
Product BrandBoats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's PageOutboard Marine Corporation
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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1994-2000 Four Winns Vista 238 258 278 Boat Service Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
Daniel on Jan 03, 2013.

Alex Rivera on Oct 14, 2012.

Vista 27.8 1997

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