1994-2000 Four Winns Vista 238 258 278 Boat Service Owners Manual

Q - 4
Before starting the boat, become familiar with all of the     You are responsible for the safety of your passengers as
various systems  and related  operations.   Be sure all      well as for their behavior while aboard. Make sure:
necessarysafetyequipmentison-board.   Knowthe“Rules
of the Road”. Have an experienced pilot brief you on the  1.    Each passenger is properly instructed in Personal
generaloperationofyournewboat.    Performa“Pre-Cruise
Systems Check”.
Flotation Device (PFD)  use and keeps one within
reach in case of emergency. Children should wear a
PFD at all times when underway.
Q - 2
2.   Passengers do not sit on gunwales, open decks, el-
evated pedestal seats or  on seat backs when the
boatisunderway.  Thiscouldcausethemtobethrown
Before you can really enjoy your boat, a thorough under-
standing of its systems and their operation is essential.
This manual and the associated manufacturers informa-
tion are provided to enhance your knowledge of the boat.  3.   At least one other person knows how to operate the
Read this information carefully.
boat in case of an emergency.
After becoming familiar with the  boat and its systems,
re-read this manual.  Maintenance and service tips are    Q - 5     RULESOFTHEROAD
included to help keep the boat in like-new condition.
As in driving an automobile, there  are a few rules that
must be known if safe boating operation is to be main-
tained. The Coast Guard, Coast GuardAuxiliary, Depart-
ment of Natural Resources or your local boat club spon-
Besides   the  equipment   installed   on  the  boat  by     sor courses in boat handling, including rules of the road.
Four Winns, certain other equipment is required for pas-   Such courses are strongly recommended. Books on this
senger safety. Abrochure listing the Federal equipment    subject are also available from local libraries.
requirements is included with this manual.  Remember
that these laws are for your protection and are minimum
requirements.  Check your local and state regulations,     Q - 6
When boating, it is important to be aware of the weather
Items like a sea anchor, working anchor, extra dock lines,  around you. When the weather changes for the worse,
flare pistol, a line permanently secured to your ring buoy,  DO NOT jeopardize your safety by trying to “ride out the
etc. could at some time save your passengers lives, or     storm”. If possible, return to safe harbor and dock your
save your boat from damage.
vessel immediately.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary offers a “Courtesy Examina-   If  caught in a storm, seek shelter inside the cabin and
tion.”  This inspection will confirm the boat is equipped     waitforthestormtopass.    Withopenbowmodels,suntops
with all of the necessary safety equipment.
and campers will provide some protection, but should not
be relied on if you are able to return to shore.  Exercise
care when high winds are present!
Vista Owners  Manual
Section Q
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Product Specification
CategoriesFour Winns Manuals, Four Winns Vista Manuals, Outboard Marine Corporation Manuals
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Model Year1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
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- 128 pages
Document TypeOwner's Manual
Product BrandBoats and Cruisers, Four Winns. For support contact your dealer at http://www.fourwinns.com/locate-dealer.aspx
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's PageOutboard Marine Corporation
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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1994-2000 Four Winns Vista 238 258 278 Boat Service Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
Daniel on Jan 03, 2013.

Alex Rivera on Oct 14, 2012.

Vista 27.8 1997

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