other vessel is expected to maintain its
course and speed. You must stay out of its
way until you are clear of it. Likewise, if
another vessel is passing you, you should
maintain your speed and direction so that
the other vessel can steer itself around you.
When the sailing vessel is overtaking
the power-driven vessel, the power-
driven vessel has the right-of-way.
Sailing vessels should keep clear of any
fishing vessel.
In a narrow channel, a sailing vessel
should not hamper the safe passage of
a power-driven vessel which can navi-
gate only in such a channel.
There are three other rules you should be
aware of when driving your boat around
other vessels.
Reading buoys and other markers
The waters of the United states are marked
for safe navigation by the lateral system of
Narrow channels and bends
When navigating in narrow channels, you buoyage. Simply put, buoys and markers
should keep to the right when it is safe and have an arrangement of shapes, colors,
practical to do so. If the operator of a power- numbers and lights to show which side of
driven vessel is preparing to go around a the buoy a boater should pass on when nav-
bend that may obstruct the view of other igating in a particular direction. The mark-
water vessels, the operator should sound a ings on these buoys are oriented from the
prolonged blast on the whistle (4 to 6 sec- perspective of being entered from seaward
onds). If another vessel is around the bend, (the boater is going towards the port). This
it too should sound the whistle. Even if no means that red buoys are passed on the
reply is heard, however, the vessel should starboard (right) side when proceeding from
still proceed around the bend with caution. If open water into port, and black buoys are to
you navigate such waters with your boat, port (left) side. When navigating out of port,
you will need to carry a portable air horn, your position with respect to the buoys
available from local marine supply stores.
should be reversed; red buoys should be to
port and black buoys to starboard.
Fishing vessel right-of-way
Many bodies of water used by boaters are
All vessels which are fishing with nets, lines entirely within the boundaries of a particular
or trawls are considered to be “fishing ves- state. The Uniform State Waterway Marking
sels” under the International Rules. Vessels System has been devised for these waters.
with trolling lines are not considered fishing This system uses buoys and signs with dis-
vessels. Fishing vessels have the right-of- tinctive shapes and colors to show regula-
way regardless of position. Fishing vessels tory or advisory information. These markers
cannot, however, impede the passage of are white with black letters and orange
other vessels in narrow channels.
restricted areas, danger areas, and general
Sailing vessel right-of-way
Sailing vessels should normally be given the
right-of-way. The exceptions to this are:
Categories | Yamaha Outboard Manuals |
Document Type | Boat Motor Manual Free Download. Marine Operator's Boating Guide. |
Tags | Yamaha F200C, Yamaha F225C, Yamaha LF200C, Yamaha LF225C |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Language | English |
Product Brand | Yamaha Motor. Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA - Support Customer Relations for US: 1-800-962-7926
Yamaha Boats: 1-800-962-7926 Yamaha Outboard Customer Relations: 1-866-894-1626 , Yamaha Outboard |
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Publisher | yamaha-motor.com |
Wikipedia's Page | Yamaha Motor Company |
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